VM Group manufactures Raw Material Storage Silos as Bolted and Welded Silos in desired diameter, length, thickness with expert technical staff and… Read more…
Starting from 1 m³ up to 200.000 m³, it can be manufactured as single or double walled, curved or flat or conical in desired sizes… Read more…
VM Group is the solution partner of many local and foreign companies in steel structures in line with quality, trust and precision… Read more…
VM Group successfully realize the manufacturing and assembly of raw material transportation systems of many global companies and still… Read more…
Our company Orengul Machine Construction Mining Industry and Trade Limited Company, started its business life in Bereket Industrial Site in an area of ??120 m² in 2004 and continues to develop itself continuously in its activities since the day it was founded and acts in the consciousness of continuous change and development in order to respond to the increasing demands of its customers. In line with this awareness, as of 2011, Kütahya 2nd Organized Industrial Zone, 1.500 m² closed, 10.000 m² open area under the VMG brand Steel Construction, Storage Systems and Raw Material Handling Systems services continued. As of 2015, the factory operating in the existing 2nd Organized Industrial Zone is operating on a total area of ??18,000 m², including 5.5OOm² closed and 12.5OO m² open area. Read More…