VMG GROUP - ÖRENGÜL MACHINE - HUMAN RESOURCES Please fill out the form below completely, your information will never be shared with 3rd parties. If your CV is in the form of a file, please send it to info@vmgcom.tr e-mail address. 33%Your Personal Information 3. Shared with parties, please fill it out completely.Your name and surname(Gerekli)Mobile Phone(Gerekli)GenderSelectManWomanDate Of BirthPhoneMarital StatusSelectMarriedSinglePlace Of BirthAddressDriving LicenseSelectYesNoYour nationalityE-Mail Address(Gerekli)Askerlik Durumu(Gerekli)SeçinizYaptımTecilliMuafNextYour Knowledge and SkillsPlease fill in your information completely.Foreign Languages you know:Example: English Good - German Intermediate.Computer Knowledge: Microsoft Office Good - CATIA ModerateAreas of Interest:Your Career Goals:Work ExperiencePlease write starting from the last place you worked. Name of the Workplace - Title and Position - Duration of EmploymentExample: Vmg Group - R&D Officer - 3 Years 5 MonthsName of the Workplace - Title and Position - Duration of EmploymentExample: Vmg Group - R&D Officer - 3 Years 5 MonthsName of the Workplace - Title and Position - Duration of EmploymentName of the Workplace - Title and Position - Duration of EmploymentBackNextEducation InformationPlease fill in your information completely.University - School Name - City and DepartmentExample Dumlupinar Uni. - Kütahya - Business AdministrationSchool - School Name - City and Department High School - School Name - City and DepartmentYour ReferencesPlease fill in completely and exclude relatives. Name and Surname - Place of Employment - TelephoneAli Güneş - Vmg Grup - 0 532 000 00 00 Name and Surname - Place of Employment - Telephone Name and Surname - Place of Employment - TelephoneBackSubmit ApplicationBu alan boş bırakılmalıdır